Monday, October 21, 2019


Creating our storyboard for the commercial was pretty easy. We followed the conventions used within most Dunkin’ Commercials. This was accomplished with help from the notes we took on common Dunkin commercial conventions. For example, the use of close-up shots are prominent in most Dunkin commercials. This is an effective technique as it showcases the product they are trying to sell. Their commercials are short and to the point for the most part. The commercials are aimed towards people in their late teens to early 30s as these are the people that are most popular at their stores. While creating our storyboard, we had to keep all of this in mind. 
Our commercial will be pretty basic as it will pose a problem and then will be solved by the “new product” that Dunkin will be selling. For example, in our commercial, we will have one person dropping a cup of Dunkin iced coffee and it then spills on the ground. This cup will have a straw and lid as opposed to a screw top. Then another person will walk into frame with the “new” Dunkin bottled iced coffee and will give it to the person who just dropped their cup of coffee. 
The first shot exposes a person walking while they hold a cup of Dunkin iced coffee. This shot will be a pan with natural lighting. The next shot is a medium close up of the same person dropping their cup of Dunkin iced coffee onto the ground; this shot uses natural lighting as well.
When the cup drops and the drink spills a close-up shot at eye level on the cup is shown. The lighting for this shot is dim to show the “horrific event” and progress into the brighter lighting towards the end of the commercial. This is done by transitioning from the dim lighting to the natural lighting in the next scene. 
The two shot incorporates dialogue and interaction between the two characters like a typical dunkin commercial would. A typical commercial would have a close up of the product which is exactly what we did towards the end of our commercial.
 The fifth shot is an extreme close up of the “new” dunkin bottle with a bright spotlight lighting from a low angle to make the bottle seem big and important since its the main product of the commercial. A bold text will appear on the screen to represent “new dunkin bottled iced coffee”. The text will read “try the new dunkin bottled iced coffee” in pink bubble font. 
The last shot is the logo insert of “America Runs on Dunkin’ with bright lighting and a white background to again reflect a typical dunkin commercial. 
For the last two shots, a soundtrack will be incorporated and mute the diegetic sounds to hoan in on the “new product”. In dunkin commercials sounds are typically used to represent the product which in this case, will be the fifth scene of the “new bottle”. The soundtracks used in typical dunkin commercials aren’t like most commercials. The soundtrack used has no words nor is it any copyrighted music. It is typically just a beat or a sound to focus all the attention on the product and not on the music itself. 
All of these techniques will be used to create our final commercial. 

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